What is the simple present

If you want to talk about something that happens on a regular basis, you have to use the simple present.

But there are a few things you need to know before you can use it.

Creating a sentence

  •  verb in infinitive
  • the verb used in the 3. person singular      -he/she/it- ends with an -s 


I like cheerleading. - She likes cheerleading.

We dance in the club. - He dances in the club.

They eat ice-cream. - The dog (it) eats ice-cream.

Auxiliary Verb

- to be -


I am a singer.

You are a singer.

He is a singer.

We are singers.

You are singers.

They are singers.

If a word ends with a sibliant sound, you need to put -es at the end


She watches television every day.

The dog (it) always catches the ball.

He wishes he was a star.

If a word ends with -y, you need to put -ies at the end

Signal Words


always, ever, never, normally, now and then, occasionally, often, rarely, seldom, sometimes, usually


She worries about her brother.

The baby cries every day.

He flies to Germany every year.


He always eats chockolate.

I sometimes go to the gym.

She normally walks to school.